
Hi there. Let me start by saying thank you for checking out my website. This is an exciting expansion for me after 25 years of being in business. A huge thank you to my son, Jacob, for helping make this possible

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Check out the great picture from my very first show.It all started with hand-made tie-dye done at home in the backyard.  Custom orders were my specialty.  With the support of my amazing family, I then had the wonderful opportunity to open a store on the Oregon Coast.  Deb’s Tie-Dye allowed me to spend the days with my son and taught me to appreciate being self employed.

 I began selling imported gifts from around the world and am now on to today’s amazing adventures in Eastern Oregon and Arizona.  I love seeing everyone at the shows all summer and am grateful for the support of all my customers.  I truly hope that you can find me at a local Oregon show and check out the hundreds of other products I carry:  amazing gems, carvings, jewelry, clothing and other items from all over the world.  I meet with friends from a number of countries each winter and hunt for the most unique pieces to sell here. I can’t wait to explore our future together through the World Wide Web.